Industry: Direct to consumer supplements/wellness/lifestyle
Size: 100+ employees
Challenge: Grow organic traffic & increase revenue
Improved ecommerce conversion rate across all channels by 79.44%
Organic traffic has increased by 111.27%
Positioned us to capture unique demand created by the pandemic, where we saw 254.54% growth over the baseline numbers
Organic revenue increased by 151.68%
Organic transactions increased by 102.42%
Overcame algorithmic updates that had decreased our organic traffic by 20% and increased our traffic over where we had been
Increased number of total keywords that rank by 104.29%, but more importantly, increased the number of keywords ranking on page 1 of Google by 226.12% and those in positions #1 - 3 by 232.02%
Acquired by Unilever in 2021
Growth In Page 1 Organic Visibility

Work Done
Keyword research and targeted content creation, working across multiple teams to create expert written content, supplemented with high-quality video.
Technical SEO to address flaws, strengthen foundation and improve linking. Routine worked with the technical team to implement changes that would result in a stronger site.
Qualitative & quantitative research by user surveying, heatmaps, user tracking and more.